AHM Average Me - Calculating

AHM’s combined extras limit is the most versatile health insurance product on the Australian market – its flexibility enables you to use all your extras dollar limits on the extras you really want and need. Rather than attempt to cater to the “average customer”, as other health insurers do with their set and inflexible extras limits, AHM recognizes that everyone has distinct, individual, ever-changing requirements. Policies that don’t do this… policies that average out the requirements of everyone, ultimately really serve no-one. So, how do we educate people, in what is traditionally a low-interest and low engagement category that the average customer does not exist, and then get them to switch to AHM?

The Solution

We created “Average Me”… an interactive App that uses state-of-the-art facial recognition technology that enables users see what the average of they and their Facebook friends looks like. The resulting image is a combination of data and features created from the average mouth, nose, hair, eye and face size and shape of the user and their friends. They can then share this averaged image with friends on Facebook.


  • Over 100,000 campaign visits in 2 months.
  • More than 20,000 onward visits to ahm.com.au, creating the highest ever traffic levels for the site.
  • Highest sales period in the last 10 months.